Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The spirits are coming...

A few days ago a friend on recommendation of another friend asked for my help with his brother. He sent me an e-mail saying that a few years ago the brother got into a bit of trouble and needed to get going with his life. He was told by a friend that I could help. I remembered that the brother of my friend had some personal issues and didn't know how I could assist but was willing and interested to try. I had the feeling that I am embarking on the spiritual path and the forces will be using me to help others and felt very empowered.

Yesterday I did speak with my friend and he wanted to know how his brother can get out of a speeding violation that occured a while ago. My name came up because someone remembered me dealing with issues in the same realm...That made me laugh and showed not to take myself too seriously and assume the role of the Messenger too quickly.


Mariya Gerstein said...

Yesterday my work buddy suddenly asked me if a person could have a mid-life crisis at 32. I told him that I believe it is possible; and if he is having a mid-life crisis, it's wonderful. He was a little surprised by my answer. I explained that I think that a midlife crisis has nothing to do with age, it is simply an awakening when a person realizes that life is short and they are not doing what they should(or want to) be doing. That's healthy, right? And if re-evaluation happens sooner than later, it's great! More time to enjoy the changes made in a lifestyle. Mid-life crisis, I think, I feared because sometimes the evaluation of one's life comes a bit late in life, and a person panics and does drastic changes that turn the world of others around them up side down. But that's the reaction, not the event itself. The event is good. So we went on talking about re-eval of life, goals and making changes for the right reasons (without being selfish or selfless). My work friend said that it is amazing how he met me at the right time to help him bounce of some ideas. And I was glad to talk about the subject, since talking about something generates more ideas and helps work through these ideas by applying them to real examples.

Unknown said...

Masha that's great. I absolutely agree that what we call mid-life crysis is just your soul telling you to wake up. Wonderful that his guides asked you to assist.

Anonymous said...

People, you should, like, totally stop butting in in other people's business and let them be. Seriously. I know you see angels and demons flying around souls and stuff, but ... it is true that the only reason why you are enthusiastic about "helping" is just to satisfy your hungry curiousity to get your long nose into other people's lives ... Shiiiit ...


PS: Allan, I am having a problem with Lana, I will call you tonight to tell you about it, and hope you can tell me what you think! I am really torn as to what to do! :(

Anonymous said...

"Yesterday my work buddy suddenly asked me if a person could have a mid-life crisis at 32." - Masha, don't take your coworker to seriously. He is a sneaky bastard - he just wants to get into your pants. I did same thing several times: started getting into this touchy feeling discussion with the target, she softens up, then you strike! I am dead (in this life) serious. Watch out for this hornball.

Mariya Gerstein said...

I do not seek out somebody to help. But if somebody asks me for advise or begins to emotionally drown in front of me, I will extend a hand. Emotional distress has quite a different feel than sexual game. At that point, you do not see a man or a woman anymore. It's the time when you suddenly feel that phrase "all people are brothers" truly means something. A stranger may pick you up on a street if you fall. No expectations of thanks, just because he feels he needs to do that, as we may be nothing but siblings trying to separately find our true north and happiness in this common world. Call for help cannot always be questioned for alternate motive.