Friday, August 29, 2008

I hate to meddle in politics....

To have an educated opinion on politics one needs to do research on candidates, undertsand the issues at hand, emmerse themselves deeply into the debates and then be afforded an opportunity to elloquently express their views. By those standards I do not qualify. However as an observer I find it increasingly hard to filter out the political rhetoric in order to get to the real views of the candidates. All I see is shifting of perspectives and speeches focused on low hanging fruit. I see Vice Presidential running mates apointed solely based on winning a campaign. I see polititians bent on bringing each other down only weeks ago embrace in solidarity and stand behind the nominated winners praising their fine qualifications. And I see millions of dollars spent on brainwashing Americans in order to get elected.

Sitting at my parents house yesterday I uttered, "The President is like his people" and then I thought long and hard about that statement. Are we so gullable as to accept the information being fed to us daily by the political machine? Are we really that simple a people not to be able to discern the truth from digital imagery? Who are the people we put in power to run our country and do they really represent us and our real views? Because from my uneducated political perspective...if the representatives from Republican and Democratic parties are trully a mirror into our souls, then we are in trouble.


Anonymous said...

You have to understand that the majority population are not educated like you, have not experienced hardships like you did, and don't think clearly and logically ... like you ... . They ARE a herd, unable to think for themselves. They rely on the routine fed to them by corporations: they must have their starbucks, they must have their mind-littering reality shows, they must be able to choose a president based on whatever info they are fed via news. You have to understand, that those who want to become a president are not the people who really want to make things better, but rather chosed individuals by parties that have ties to large corporations. This is a very well oiled machine, and it does not look like it will get broken any time soon.

Also, keep in mind the mechanics of elections ... those who have the most $$$ win ... and two party system is pretty much a monopoly. People will not listen to who is quialified for the job, but rather to who sells themselves the best. You can observe this on the micro-scale in your corporate office, I am sure.

Overall, politics is a dirty, disgusting environment I recommend you to avoid it at all costs.

Mariya Gerstein said...

I think many polititians do have their heart in the right place when they start out. But power and environment corrupt. When they realzie the rules of the game, they are already forced to play by those or take a stand and risk it all (including life, maybe). Power and money vs. being draged through the mud, loose carrer and possibly life?
Dirty place. But a good place to test one's spriritual connection ,if you are looking for that sort of thing. I prefer to simply enjoy mine, not test it like that.