Sunday, August 24, 2008

And the future goes to....

We are always fascinated by the future. We gravitate to those who say they can predict it. We ask them to look into their crystal ball and tell us what's in store. We read Nostradamus and try to interpret his visions and transpose them onto the events of the past to see if he's accurate. We huddle around to hear stories of dreams that turn out to be true. Thinking of this I am reminded of a verse from Jesus Christ Superstar..

...Why should you want to know?
Don't you mind about the future
Don't you try to think ahead
Save tomorrow for tomorrow
Think about today instead...

This leads into another discussion about living in the moment but, some other time. As to the future there have been many I read and spoke with (including entities) that state that future isn't "written". Confusing to me was the fact that I have also heard that everything that will happen has already happened. So if everything has already occured what is future? And while I had a version of the "truth" I was comfortable with before, the "answer" clarified itself today. It has been bubbling up in pieces for quite some time and now it seems to make sense (at least to me and at least for now.)

Both explanations are but pieces of the same puzzle. When put together they present a picture of reality. There is no future that is defined for an individual however all possible outcomes are determined. A person has a myriad of choices to make and based on those one can demonstrate direction and a number of possible outcomes. For instance if you were to imagine yourself on top of the Sears Tower looking down you would see many buildings and streets. If you saw a car pulling onto the Michigan avenue you could see that by the time this car passes 5 blocks it would hit construction thereby slowing it down significantly. However if this car turns right after 3 blocks it would have a clear lane all the way to the highway. If Sears Tower is a metaphor for higher perspective able to see "the future" and you were in the above mentioned car, a seer could tell you where to go and the probability of hitting traffic.

However, extending the example further, if the car decides to turn right after 3 blocks to have a clear path to the highway, it might find that the clear path (as it looked 1 minute ago) has been indeed blocked by an accident that just occured. And that is the fun part which to me states that your future is not up to you alone and is directly affected by others in your path. Therefore, although inquiring minds want to know..."Don't you mind about the future...Think about today instead!"

1 comment:

Mariya Gerstein said...

Despite having couple of opportunities, I never went to see a future teller. It bothers me, for some reason. Knowing the outcome spoils the process of getting there. Would you try hard enough if you knew you were going to get that special something?
What bothered me even more, if a suspicion that a prediction may choose the path for you, taking away your free will, the most priceless possession we have. Either by declaring the path to universe in your place, or by being a self-fulfilling prophecy that pushes you to that outcome. Remember Matrix, and how Neo dropped a vase at the Oracle's house? As she said, would he really drop the vase if she hadn't told him to watch out for the vase?
My aunt could tell future through cards. One day the cards told her that her husband would die shortly. A smilingly healthy husband suddenly passed away in couple of months. She never picked up the cards again.
Whether prediction actually make the future for us, or cause us to willingly follow them without realization, it tales away the element of surprise. It's like somebody whispering to you in a beginning of a movie who the killer is.
As for End of the world predictions, I personally do not want to hear them anymore. I am not at all afraid, and know that whatever is meant to happen will happen. But the thoughts and fears are such negative energies!!! Why are practically pushing ourselves there by thinking that? We create a real world (on some level) that goes through all kinds of horrific events and dies. Meanwhile, we all know how positive thoughts can positively influence an outcome. Why not use that strategy instead of thinking of how a world could end. The only reality is now, future is what we make of it now.