Monday, August 4, 2008

Do I hear dead people?

I had purposfully booked my seat to be the middle just so I can have the best chance of meeting someone interesting. Although something told me to go into the bookstore in the airport just in case I find something that jumps at me. I went straight for the inspiration section and looked eyes immediately found a book titled "Do Dead People Watch You Shower?" I understood then and there that I was probably not going to meet anyone on the flight but instead would be reading. Of course that is how it turned out, I sat next to a gentleman with countless tatoos who had as much interest in me as I do in death metal. Fortunately the isle seat was unoccupied and I quickly moved. Then I opened the book....

It was by Concetta Bertoldi who is a medium and this book is answers to most of the questions she gets asked repeatedly. It is a fascinating read that is very light and funny. Most of the things she says about the Other Side I tend to agree with (some exceptions... I will let you find out on your own) I read over 100 pages on the plane ride alone and plan to finish it tomorrow on the return leg. Something interesting did happen during the flight as one of the questions she specifically mentioned flying and I closed my eyes and tried to hear if anyone was talking to me from the Other Side. I don't remember the specifics but I do remember all of a sudden getting an image of my grandfather and seeing a room where he used to live and the chair he used to love sitting in. He was calling me by the name he used to call me and he was very loving. It seemed quite real and then he was gone. It only lasted a few minutes.


Mariya Gerstein said...

It's a hilarious name for a book!
As I recently shared with Allen, I had a visit from somebody who passed away couple of years ago. She had promised to visit me after death to let me know that she was OK. The experience took place over a year after the passing, and caught me off guard. I always thought I was prepared for a visit like that; after all, I've had visits from the other side before (while sleeping). This one was different, because I could hear her (out loud!) and feel her touch. And I was completely awake, sitting on my bed. It was just so real. Can you imagine that somebody invisible begins shaking your shoulder right now??? Yet I knew who it was, because it was clearly her energy and voice. She tried a few times, but I asked her to leave me because she was scaring me. And so she left.
Now that I think I am ready to try again, I do not know if that is OK to call on a person from the other side. I do not want to disturb her or waste her energy. Do you think it is harmful and wasteful to call on souls of deceased relatives without needing their help?

Unknown said...

No Masha, it is not harmful. On the "other side" they are pure love and light and cannot be harmed in any way. Also they can be anywhere at any time and everywhere at no, don't be afraid to call on her. She didn't come again because she didn't want to scare you and she will if you ask her. She loves you and only wants for you to be comfortable. There is nothing to fear just something to get used to. Just ask for protection from your guides and angels and you will be fine.