Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Carnival of life

When people get a health scare, they often begin to pay attention to the things that they took for granted before. This time it is my turn to learn some lessons and maybe even teach some to the people around me. Faced with uncertainty (no definite diagnosis yet), I find myself looking at the world a lot closer. How amazing everything is, and how much is offered to us. We can do so many things, choose so many paths. Sometimes we tell ourselves that we are bound by our culture, work obligations, family, means, but it is not true. We can do any amazing thing at any moment we choose. The opportunity is there for us, provided by this world, by this Earth. You reality can be transformed completely at request, and provide the experiences that you need. You could say “I am burned out and down, lets charge the card, call the boss and fly to the Amazon river for 2 weeks”. Or you could say “I know I was meant to something greater. Where is the opportunity for greatness?”, then take 2 weeks off and fly to Africa with Red Cross, or volunteer at some local organization. Countless possibilities to evolve in any way you want! And on top of that each person is different from the next right? So we have as many realities at the same time as we have people in the world. And each has something to offer, if you let it to. We just have to suspend the judgment for long enough to simply hear how others see their world (even if we strongly disagree with their view).
I suddenly get amazed by the way trees look, and the complexity of flowers, how bees build their houses (much respect to those creatures, true architects!), that our body is a smart self adjusting mechanism, that universe is stretching in all directions and at all points at the same time as I write this, that there is ice on Mars, that a stranger can be the kindest warmest soul to you when you are down, that baby begins to grow in mother’s womb so magically and secretly, that we are capable of such beauty and such terror, and ocean is such a powerful force…and more, much more. It is all amazing. Everything around us. Even that I can write and you can read those weird looking lines, and therefore I send my thought to you for consideration. Physics, chemistry and other science will explain the laws behind what we see and experience, so there is another world under the world we see. And another world above the one we see. Have you read abound multiverses, that our universe may not be the only one out there? There is so much in this world, and outside it, and there might be other worlds! So much to see and feel! It’s like a carnival, and we are right in the middle. Although sometimes we are too concerned about our costume or snack instead of running around, dancing and watching the show. That’s all right, the carnival is not going anywhere, no harm in taking our time with the costume.
Do I sound crazy? I think I am becoming a child again. Simple things suddenly look wondrous and all meaningful. Life is such a creation, no words can describe it!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is beautiful Masha! And hopefully after whatever is troubling your body gets diagnosed and taken care of you can still keep this wonder about life. Happy New Year my friend, let it be full of happy memories and tears of joy only.