Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Being in the moment

As I was driving yesterday I remembered a scene from "Peaceful Warrior" where Socrates slowed things down for Dan and allowed him to pay attention to everything. There was a discussion about being in the moment with nothing distracting you, no thoughts of the past or future, judgements, etc. - just being.

I tried to replicate that state and suddenly noticed the dark blue sky, green grass, man walking a dog and shadows playing in the field. I felt as an observer more then the participant and became very calm. It was a very interesting feeling. I imagine the trick now is to be able to be in the moment in every moment and in anything you do.

Any experience in this or advices?


Mariya Gerstein said...

Being in the moment totally makes sense to me. I've been trying to apply it as well. I recently saw something on TV (I think it was 7 years in Tibet) where they talked about past and future being sort of unreal, while "now" is the only thing that is real to you at the moment. We cannot worry and think about the future, because we are missing out on the "now", the only real time for us. I started thinking how health issues make me worry. I always wonder how bad it will get and how will I deal with it. Meanwhile, I am poisoning the times I actually feel fine with those worries. "Now" and everything it is filled with is such a gift! Like you said, Allen, the grass is green. Water is pleasantly cold. Music is fun, and so are good laughs with friends. Flowers smell sweet. Kids’ hugs are so tight. How cool is that? And it's all electrons/protons (or whatever else) vibrating in a way that we can sense the worlds around us. It's almost magic!!! Some tiniest particles making up the world that can be seen and touched and smelled and heard. “Now” is filled with so much, we simply cannot ignore it if we want to truly LIVE instead of passing time trying to look around a never ending corner of future.

Unknown said...


Once again my idea for this blog gets reinforced with your beautiful words...
One of the more difficult things in life is to realize that we can only truly control not what happens but our reaction to it. And we cannot account for the future, plan as we might, and we cannot change the past, try as we do...what we live in is that moment and we are representing ourselves by our relationship to it. Thus let us try to swim in the NOW for who knows into what waters this river flows, just enjoy the process of swimming.