My last post was 10 months ago...yikes. Many things happened since then and I will talk about them in the future posts, but I wanted to start off with what I have been struggling with. The difficulty in keeping your vibrations high on a daily basis in a work environment. I know what to do, I know how to think, I know how to forgive, let go, meditate, breathe, cleanse, etc, etc, etc.
But at work you are constantly bombarded with schedules, meetings, people of all kinds with their own agendas, political games, feelings, etc. It is hard to keep positive. I catch myself way too often thinking negatively about a person, or worrying about what they must be thinking to do something like that (for instance). I find myself becoming pessimistic and cynical and that is too far off my norm. Keeping a positive outlook is becoming a second job at my regular job. I think peace and get aggravation, I think distance and get over involvement. Many a times I have to remind myself of why it is that I am doing this job. There in-lies my struggle. How do I remain the loving peaceful person that I am at the core and still continue to be engaged rather than indifferent. That is my question to you dear reader, with all the things we know, how do we walk that fine line?
Looking forward to your comments, I know together we will find a way.
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