If you have read any books on Spirituality or listened to any teachers you likely have heard this statement before - in order to manifest your wishes you must be very specific about what you ask for, focus on it and then detach from it. It is with the last part that I always had trouble. I didn't understand in real terms why I need to let it go - until about an hour ago when it came to me.
Let's say that you dreamed up a new concept for a car. You drew it on a piece of paper, thought for a while longer, created a blue print with all the specifications and maybe even put together a model. To expect the car to drive on its own would seem ludicrous but that is what we do with our wishes. We hold on to them and never let them go. In order for the car to actually be created we need to send our blueprint to a manufacturer who then will look at it, maybe tweak it and build it at its own pace. The fact that we want it created tomorrow doesn't seem to phase the manufacturer one bit :)
Thus in real world terms - if you really want something, think it through in all the glorious details and then set it free. Don't put conditions on it - just ask that it be created with all the best intentions. If it was meant to be created it will be whenever it will be and it is not up to you. Be the Originator and let the Creator do the rest.
If that agency does turn you down don't feel upset you might just not have the look they r looking for so just keep trying and you'll make it to the top!!!! hope i helped u!!!!!
become a model
Thanks Rupinder, well said!
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