To continue with my exploration of topics raised at the Hare Krishna session, I wish to talk about another comment with which I disagreed. The Monk stated that once you leave the Karmic wheel and don't have to come back to this world you will be happy. He said that when you are "up there" you don't want to come back and will look at your lives here as a "Bad Dream."
The comment instead of showing how great ascending is, portrayed physical life as something one wishes they never had. Because isn't that the definition of a bad dream, you wake from it thanking God that that was just a dream. I would suggest that ascended beings feel quite contrary to the Monk's statement. I believe that from their vantage point they would look upon their "lesser" selves lovingly and think about how important their experiences were. They would think how brave of them it was to live in the world without knowing what they now know. They would be uplifted to see the struggles overcome by themselves and beam proudly to the universe.
To look at it as a Bad Dream is to once again negate the entire reason for living. The goal of life is not about ascending, it is about experiencing, just like money is a side effect of success and not the reason for succeeding. Ascention is a choice made by the being after they have experienced all of the parts of themselves and thus reach enlightenment. They have worked out all of the "kinks" and now feel ready to move on to other experiences. How can they in all of their wisdom look at that path to enlightenment as a Bad Dream? They wouldn't. They would preach joy and love and look at everything in the same manner.
Of course we are all guessing here, but I cannot imagine spending eternity doing nothing after being in this world is no longer needed. And I don’t think we "have" to be here, I think we choose to be here. It seems to me that our souls crave learning and experiencing. There might be many ways to experience, one of them having a physical body. Physical body allows for very strong emotions and interesting experiences. How can 1 experience be less than another? How can we consider one a "bad dream" and another a more beneficial one?
I feel it is one me, one soul, traveling through different lives with various circumstances, observing the world/universe and myself in it. It's not a good or bad place, Earth is no a good or a bad place , it's just a way to be (reality to observe?) for the time being. Pretty cool way to vibrate quarks to make them look solid and have different properties! Magic, really. Why wouldn't we want to use this way of being?
I feel it is one me, one soul, traveling through different lives with varouse circomstances, observing the world/universe and myself in it. It's not a good or bad place, Earth is no a good or a bad place , it's just a way to be (reality to observe?) for the time being. Pretty cool way to vibrate quarks to make them look solid and have different properties! Magic, really. Why wouldn't we want to use this way of being?
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