Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The air up there....

While in the locker room of a local gym on Sunday I overheard a conversation that made me appreciate the enormity of energetic pressure figures in the public eye are under...

A man was talking to his friend and with disdain in his voice said, "Look at the suites Obama is buying with our money." (Before I continue, in the interest of objectivity, I want to make it clear that I am a progressive and voted for Obama.) Putting my political views aside however, I couldn't hep but remember viewing photos of past presidents and seeing how much they aged in office. It was staggering. From the psychological and physical perspective I understand the wear and tear of being President. But from the energetic perspective it must be unbelievable. The whole world is watching, judging, with some plotting to kill while others simply sending negativity your way. Wow. It would be so interesting to have a psychic do a reading during the presidency to see the changes over time. The more you are in the public eye the more you suffer regardless of your successes since a good dead for one is an insult to another. With all the nominations to the offices I hope another position gets created - Chief Presidential Healer!

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