Thursday, August 14, 2008

Protect yourself

Yesterday was an interesting day to say the least. I spent a lot of time dealing with a business issue that centered around our partner not servicing a large training client. Because of this the client wants to leave the partner and go to us directly. So I swam in negativity for most of the day and by evening I was feeling it. I felt drained and almost sick. Finally I stood in the shower and didn't leave until I was energetically clean. I asked angels for their assistance and forgiveness of everyone that thought I wronged them. I also forgave those whom I was still hanging onto...thankfully I was feeling almost 100 percent upon awaking. What this is showing me is how strong the energies are. I wasn't completely unprotected yesterday and it got to me with such force. So please protect yourself thoroughly.


Anonymous said...

" I stood in the shower and didn't leave until I was energetically clean. " - masturbation always help at times of great dillemas.

Anonymous said...

PS: this is Igor. :)